Best practice stories
These posts come from true stories by competent and caring managers like you. They’ll let you bring the latest thinking into your meetings. Browse the search and category menu: there’s probably a post on something you’re working on today!
Do Your Facilities Make a Stunning First Impression?
The entry sign to a Workgroup member’s building is crooked, which bugs the heck out of the marketing manager. Yes, [...]
Build Communities to Expand Boundaries
How much effort should a business put into community relations? 109,206 brats: In 1983, a Madison grocer, Metcalfe Markets, [...]
Now THAT’S how to start a presentation!
Workgroup report: What’s critical to a great presentation? Sometimes one presentation can boost your career a step—or bail you [...]
Long-Distance Relay: A CRM is Worth It
How can you get a big CRM payback? Topic question: How can you make a CRM provide a big [...]
Put the Client First and Trust Success Will Follow
Engaging technical professionals in the client conversation Servant Sales practitioners hone their craft through the use of thoughtful and [...]
You SURE the market wants this?
Workgroup report: When is the right time to launch a new product or service? Mid-sized businesses need system to [...]
Servant Sales: Principles for Ethical, Effective and Authentic Sales
ad hoc Servant Sales Workgroup: Principles and practices Servant Sales is a set of principles that the sales process [...]
Pricing in a Pandemic
Best Practice of the Week: 2.3.3. Discounts When the pandemic first hit, many businesses were stung by low demand [...]
Do Your Customers Ever Change?
Best practice of the week: Market research Market research is the only way you can feel confident you’re selling [...]